gy gymnastics 體操 [Card #15; 字卡第15張: 第6個單字, 字母組合發音 gy]

The letter "g" usually makes the /j/ sound when followed by the vowels e, i, or y.(ge、gi、gy 的 g 通常發 /j/ 的音)

Some more examples(更多gy例字):gym, gymnasium, gymnastics, gypsum, gypsy, gyrate, gyroscope, synergy, strategy, stingy, dingy, effigy, allergy, energy, lethargy, analogy, anthology, apology, technology, cryptology*, anthropology*, archeology*, sociology*, ecology*, geology*, radiology*, anesthesiology*, cardiology*, urology*, biology*, virology*, immunology*, pathology*, cytology*, psychology*, theology*, astrology*, herbology*, mythology, methodology, ideology, stodgy, prodigy, eulogy, pudgy
* -ology (suffix): ology 在字尾,指的是各種學科